
Showing posts from February, 2024

Game Gen - Week 2

Getting A Game Going! This week Vives and I really ramped up this fun little game idea. We went through a lot of different topics, continuing to focus mainly on different elements of Blueprinting. Here are some of the things I accomplished this week: Created an enemy AI with blendspace-controlled idle/run/walk animations.  Created a Blueprint for a floating damage indicator next to the AI on the damage.  Created a death sequence for the AI on 0 health, including animation and populating a Niagra component.  Created a parent Weapon Bluepring and two separate child weapon BPs for Sword and Spears.  Created a single parent Weapon Rack with an instance-editable variable for placing different racks for each weapon type.  Created a UI element to count how many enemies have been killed.  Created a blackboard to control AI movement, which currently runs a sequence of finding and moving to the player, waiting, finding a random spot, going to it, and repeating.  There might even be more I'm

Game Gen - Week 1

 This Week In My Adventures... Imported Public Domain Assets I utilized assets from various websites licensed with Public Domain to make the level more interesting.  Created Third Person Project Walked through setting up a new third-person project with Vives. Created Hamburger Pickup What started as just a plain white ball pickup turned into a fun giant hamburger, resulting in a normal-sized hamburger in your hand on collision.  Created Health and Mana Reduction Items for Testing I jazzed up the basic HP "damage" causing item and replicated it for mana reduction.  Created Health and Mana Potions for Restoration I found more public-domain assets online to use for my health and mana potions.  I then implemented the same functionality as my "damage-doers" but instead of subtracting from the variables, I added to them.  Created the Beginnings of UI with Functional Health and Mana bars.  Vives taught me how to start making a basic UI including a health bar. I then replic