Game Gen - Week 1

 This Week In My Adventures...

  • Imported Public Domain Assets
    • I utilized assets from various websites licensed with Public Domain to make the level more interesting. 
  • Created Third Person Project
    • Walked through setting up a new third-person project with Vives.
  • Created Hamburger Pickup
    • What started as just a plain white ball pickup turned into a fun giant hamburger, resulting in a normal-sized hamburger in your hand on collision. 
  • Created Health and Mana Reduction Items for Testing
    • I jazzed up the basic HP "damage" causing item and replicated it for mana reduction. 
  • Created Health and Mana Potions for Restoration
    • I found more public-domain assets online to use for my health and mana potions. 
    • I then implemented the same functionality as my "damage-doers" but instead of subtracting from the variables, I added to them. 
  • Created the Beginnings of UI with Functional Health and Mana bars. 
    • Vives taught me how to start making a basic UI including a health bar. I then replicated this functionality to work with the mana variables instead of creating the mana bar. 

Here are some examples of what I accomplished: 


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