Game Gen - Week 3

Wow, I am actually feeling like I am playing a game when I play test! 

This week it feels like my game really became almost an actual game! The mechanics are coming along nicely, and the feel is very close to what I'm hoping to achieve in the final product. Vives and I did a LOT this week with animations and getting further into some cool technical options to use in blueprints. I had fun breaking stuff and trying to fix it as I challenged myself, and Vives challenged me, to try to use the newly gained knowledge in different applications. 
  • Enemy Development:
    • Completed the basic Enemy parent using Blueprinting.
    • Implemented Sphere traces to check if the player is within a certain radius to change the behavior tree state accordingly.
    • Utilized Box traces for calculating weapon attack hits.
    • Incorporated blend spaces in the animation and worked on the animation blueprint to change enemy states during an attack.
  • Player Development:
    • Updated the player character to a more cohesive style, complete with animations.
    • Attempted to synchronize the player's input, weapon trace, and attack mechanisms with the player, weapon, and animation blueprints.
    • Encountered a small bug in the player's trace and attack functionality that needs resolving but the attach mechanic is mostly working.
Rather than show a bunch of blueprints, here's a short one-minute video of my updated progress:

See you next week!


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