
Showing posts from April, 2024

Game Gen - Week 9

 Improving Performance and Continuing to Add Functionality and Clean-Up Here's a short video of my progress this week: Here are the main things I accomplished this week:  Object Pooling for Potions: Changed Potions to use Object Pooling. I have some bugs in this system still I think, but it seems to be functioning properly to avoid creating and destroying the potions when dropped, instead it creates objects as needed and keeps them in a pool to pull from, only creating new actors as the pool needs more.  Added AOE and Damage Over Time Attack: This is not an implemented functionality yet for the player, however I did begin creating a parent class for an AOE attack that will cause Damage over Time to the enemies. It uses a sphere trace on a timer to replicate the tick to prevent using the tick, however it traces for a certain amount of time, if an enemy is hit, it will trigger Damage over Time in a function within the enemy blueprint.  Improved Main Menu:  I improved the look of the

Game Gen - Week 8

The last two weeks, I've been struggling with Burnout. Thankfully, Vives has been awesome in understanding that and helping me find ways to pivot to something new and fresh to help reinvigorate my mind and creativity. I had a lot of fun diving into some 3D modeling as a side quest to make some items for my game! Here are some of my 3D Models:  A Tri-bladed Axe: Tri-axe by zachmckinnon on Sketchfab A Potion Bottle: Potion by zachmckinnon on Sketchfab A Warhammer: Hammer by zachmckinnon on Sketchfab In my game, I have mainly been doing some cleanup and performance improvements. We implemented Object Pooling as discussed, and are continuing to work on improving the game before adding further mechanics and functionality. I'll have more updates on the actual game to come!