Game Gen - Week 5

This Week's Dev Dive: Major Strides & Cool Vibes!

Alright, this week has been nothing short of a rollercoaster, and I'm here to share the ride with you! I've taken some giant leaps forward in making this game not just playable but something you'd want to keep coming back to. 

Here's a Video to Demo the differences from last week to this week:

Gameplay Loop: Rounds & Waves Are Here to Stay

I've finally cracked the code on the whole rounds and waves issue, making the main gameplay loop a lot more engaging and fully functional! It was a bit like trying to solve a puzzle in the dark at first, but I  did it! Now, I can start to tweak the curves and feelings of different elements in the gameplay loop.

Sounds Effects and Music: Bringing the Game to Life

This week, I also turned the volume up (literally) by adding some free sound effects and a music track I made. It's amazing how much life a bit of background music and well-timed sound effects can add to a game. This really made the game start feeling more immersive. 

Lighting & Looks: A Visual Feast

I decided the game needed a bit more pizzazz visually, so I dove into lighting effects and gave the game's aesthetic a major makeover. I tried to add a feeling of intensity and stress while still being fun to look at. The game now has this vibe that just pulls you in, making every moment on screen a treat for the eyes.

New Moves: Pushback Ability Unlocked

Ever felt like you just need some space? Well, now your character does too! I introduced a new pushback ability that adds a whole new layer to combat. I included sound and Niagra particle effects to add to the feeling of the pushback mechanic. It still could use tweaking, but it's already become one of my favorite features, and I'm having a blast testing it out.

UI Upgrades: Knowledge is Power

Last but definitely not least, I've spruced up the UI, including a pause menu that's less sleek than it is functional, but does the job. Plus, I've added more info on-screen to keep you in the loop about your stats and the game state. This is mainly for debugging, but some of these UI elements will stay in the full gameplay. 

Looking back at the week, it's pretty wild to see how much I've accomplished. It's moments like these that remind me why I love game development - it's challenging, it's rewarding, and most of all, it's a lot of fun. I've got more cool stuff in the pipeline, so stay tuned for more updates. Keep the feedback coming, and let's make this game something truly special! Cheers to more coding, more breakthroughs, and more gaming! 


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