Game Gen - Week 6

 First Playtest!

This week, I got to experience my first official playtest of my game. I've play-tested other games before in development, but it's really different when it's YOUR game! It was really awesome to get feedback and see how the game performed or didn't perform, on other PCs. It was also great to get some thoughts on how to make the game more fun and some neat things I can implement, some of which I have started to already!

A lot of this week was spent optimizing, adding the new enemy types, and applying some of the feedback I received in the playtest. 

Here's a short video comparing last week to this week:

This week's Main Focuses:

Lighting Overhaul for Performance and Atmosphere

First up, I've updated the game's lighting. This was a careful balance to strike; my goal was to enhance performance without sacrificing the unique atmosphere of the game. After some experimentation, I'm happy with the results but I think there's still room for improvement. The game still retains its distinct feel, but now hopefully runs smoother.

Introducing New Enemy Types: The Brute and The Ranger

I've added two new enemy types to enrich the game's challenge and diversity. Meet the Brute and the Ranger. The Brute is a formidable foe, stronger but slower, adding a new level of strategic combat. On the flip side, the Ranger is quicker, weaker, and capable of attacking from a distance, forcing players to rethink their approach. These were fun to create albeit still challenging to get the behaviors just how I'd like them. Still a work in progress, but I think the new enemy types definitely add more fun to the game. 

Weapon Durability Mechanics

Based on some feedback in the playtest, I'm also in the process of creating and fine-tuning the mechanics for weapon durability. This feature will add an extra layer of realism and require players to think quickly if their weapon breaks while they are using it. 

From Sprint to Dash: A New Movement Mechanic

Another significant change is the transformation of the sprint mechanic into a dash mechanic. This also was based on feedback in the playtest and I couldn't be happier with the change. Not only does it fit better with the game's overall pacing, but it also uses mana, adding an additional strategic element to its use. I'm still adding some visual flair to it, but I'm happy with how it enhances mobility while still costing something.

User Interface and Interaction Updates

On the interface side, I've made some slight edits to the UI to improve usability and aesthetics. Additionally, I've changed the magic use from the R key to right-click, which feels more intuitive and aligns better with player expectations. I also added a pop-up text notification when you get close to the weapon racks so you know to pick up a weapon. 

Removing the Ability to Jump

After some thoughtful talk in the playtest, I decided to remove the ability to jump. It's definitely more useful to use the sprint and pushback now that you can not jump, and helps prevent the player from breaking the game as easily. 

Implementing Object Pooling for AI

Lastly, I've started implementing object pooling for the AI. This is a technical improvement to enhance performance by reducing the overhead of creating and destroying objects. It's a behind-the-scenes change, but it's crucial for maintaining a smooth gameplay experience, and it's been a cool challenge to get into more intermediate/advanced areas of Unreal Programming.

There's still much to do, but seeing the game evolve with each update is incredibly rewarding. Your feedback has been instrumental in this journey, so please keep it coming. I'm committed to making this game the best it can be, and I can't do it without your support. Thank you for being part of this adventure. Until next time, happy gaming!


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