Game Gen - Week 17

Further Adventures in C++!

This week, we’re continuing our adventure into the world of game development with C++ in the Unreal Engine. From mastering touch interactions to enhancing player interfaces, I'm excited to share the progress we've made.

Here's what I accomplished in C++ this week: 

This week was dedicated to deepening my understanding of C++ within the Unreal Engine, guided by my mentor, Vives. Here's a closer look at the new features we've been crafting:

Created a Touch-Activated Pickup

We implemented a touch-based interaction for our game's pickups. Initially set up for testing in the editor, this feature allows players to click (or touch) to collect items like coins. By binding touch inputs to pickup actions, we integrated a more intuitive interaction method. This not only made the gameplay more engaging but also allowed me to explore a new input action.

Added Coin Pickup By Touch To Player

I added a function that increments the player's coin count upon collecting a pickup. This involved casting to the player pawn to ensure that coins are added to the right character. Managing data across different game components proved to be a valuable lesson in maintaining clean and effective code architecture.

Here's a snippet of the Pickup's CPP File with the pickup Touch logic and GiveCoins function.

This is a snippet of the Pickup header file where I've defined the functions and variables needed within the cpp.

Here's a snippet of the Player's CPP file showing the Jump binding and also the coin pickup function.

Added Jumping and Player UI

We introduced a jumping capability to our player character, adding another layer of interaction. Though this will be removed later, it was a valuable challenge for me to learn.

We also began working on the player’s UI, focusing on displaying key information like coin counts and health stats. The integration of a user widget will enhance player engagement and game aesthetics but also testing.

Reflections on Learning C++ and Looking Ahead

This week’s deeper dive into C++ was incredibly enlightening. I tackled complex topics like memory management and advanced function usage, which are crucial for optimizing our game’s performance. Each coding session with Vives brought new insights and solidified my understanding of game programming.

Next Week’s Goals:

  • Advanced C++ Concepts: I plan to explore more sophisticated aspects of C++, focusing on how they can be leveraged to enhance game functionality.
  • Artistic Direction: Finalizing our game’s art style and beginning detailed design work on key assets.
  • Mapping Gameplay Values: I'll be defining the starting values for player resources, which is essential for balancing gameplay and ensuring a challenging yet rewarding experience.
Stay tuned for next week’s post where I’ll unravel the complexities of C++  and share the latest advancements in my game's development. Excited to share this journey with you all and bring this game vision closer to reality!


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