Game Gen - Week 16

Starting on Development with C++!

Here's a longer video this week, but I go a bit more in-depth on the code we started implementing. Feel free to skip around in the video, the first part is how I'm planning out the game development path, basically like a design doc but in a Miro board! 

This week was an exhilarating dive into a new angle of game development and exploration of industry trends. Here’s what I’ve been up to:

In-depth Research on Mobile Games: 

I spent a considerable amount of time playing a variety of mobile simulation and tycoon games. The goal was to understand the range of mechanics they employ and identify what sets them apart from each other—and from my own game vision. This research is crucial as it helps refine my ideas and align them more closely with current trends while ensuring uniqueness. I know it just sounds like playing, and I'll admit it was pretty fun, but I took a lot of notes on different games to see how I might do something similar but different as top games in the genre. 

Gameplay Loop Design Using Miro Board: 

I utilized a Miro Board, functioning much like a dynamic design document, to map out the entire gameplay loop. This visual planning tool is incredibly effective for plotting out game progressions and necessary UI elements, using images to represent different stages and interactions within the game.

Asset Planning and Development: 

I started compiling a detailed list of assets required for the game, including various types of blueprints, maps, and art pieces. This preparation is vital for ensuring that I have all the resources needed for each segment of the gameplay loop.

Kickstarting Game Development: 

This week's most thrilling part was beginning to create the game. I’ve taken this opportunity to learn C++ within the Unreal Engine framework. My mentor, Vives, has been instrumental in teaching me the fundamentals of C++. We started by developing a pickup actor and a Paper2D character, integrating basic functionalities such as mesh additions, collisions, and character movement.

This week has not only advanced the development of our game but has also been a significant educational journey for me in learning C++. The blend of research, planning, and hands-on development has been incredibly fulfilling. Stay tuned for more updates as we bring the vision closer to reality!

A Closer Look At The Player Code We Implemented:

This is the Player CPP File which holds the main functionality. Here you can see the functions we implemented for the Player Movement Controls.

The Header file holds all the declarations of the various functions and variables we will use in the Player's CPP File. 

Next Week's Goals:

  • Learn further about C++
  • Start creating the base types for different assets. 
  • Figure out an Art Style and Color Scheme. 
  • Map out Player Resource starting values to try and visualize their relationships.


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