Game Gen - Week 25

Nearly Finished with the Game Jam!

Blood Cell Bash - 2D Browser Game Development:

The idea for this game came to me after a conversation about blood types and the immune system with my partner. I thought, "This could make for an interesting game!" and that's how Blood Cell Bash was born!

I aimed to create something quick, fun, and with minimal artistic details to convey the concept effectively. Blood cells in a bloodstream seemed perfect—simple visuals and straightforward functionality. Here's a look at the progress so far, though I'm still making a few tweaks before releasing it on

Here's a short video of some of the gameplay:

Here is some of the code work I did in Construct 3 for the different functionalities:

Setup: This is the "begin play" section in Construct 3 that initializes some of the core game functionalities.

Player Movement: Here's the code for how I implemented player movement.

Bacteria Functionality: I used functions to specify the bacteria UID, ensuring that each one behaves independently.

White Blood Cell (WBC) Mechanics: This part was tricky but fun to figure out, with some help from Vives!

Game End and Health Blobs: Lastly, here's how I set up the end-game sequence and the random creation of health blobs.

I’m pleased with how the game turned out, especially considering the limited time I had to work on it. A few more tweaks, and it’ll be ready for release!

Dungeons and Dragons One Shot:

Aside from Blood Cell Bash, I also created a Dungeons and Dragons one-shot for my brother’s bachelor party. Since this also involves game design, I thought I’d share a few details.

The concept centers around a wedding theme but with a twist: a "fake wedding" orchestrated by a villain using forbidden magic rituals to gain power. I wanted to incorporate elements of the Fey Wilds or Underdark, so I brainstormed different ways to lead the players into these mystical realms.

After jotting down various ideas and exploring different solutions to the mystery, I came up with a plan I’m really excited about. (If my brother is reading this, stop here!)

The game’s villain is an outcast, an evil changeling determined to take over the material plane—what you and I know as the real world—and unleash the creatures of the Fey Dark into the mortal realm. Alistair, our villain, has meticulously plotted to fulfill a prophecy he obsessively believes in. He’s used his shape-shifting abilities to "trade places" with the real prince of the kingdom, holding the true prince captive in his dark lair. The Princess and King have been enchanted, ensuring they suspect nothing.

Will our players uncover this nefarious plot and stop the wedding before it’s too late?

Here are some of the props I created for the game:

This is the enchanted charm that holds the enchantment of the King and Princess and needs to be destroyed to release them. 

Here is the "bloody" coded message they will need to solve to understand what's happening. 

This is an old court document they could find to get more information on who the bad guy really is.

This is a map they could find which could lead them to further information about what's going on. 

Planning a Dungeons and Dragons game can seem overwhelming, but it's actually really fun if you get into the storytelling! You're always going to have to do some improv as a dungeon master, but I think that's part of the fun too! 

My goals for next week:

  • Finish and upload Blood Cell Bash to
  • Continue on my 2D Mobile Game
  • Work on some Unreal Engine technical skills, like creating puzzles and traps. 


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