Game Gen - Week 23

Finished Tarot Game and Continued 2D Mobile Game Progress:

The last two weeks I have made progress on two different games I've been working on. I finished up a demo of a Tarot Card experience that my friends and I have been working on, and I think it came out really nice! Here's a video going through how I created the game: 

Tarot Game Video Overview:

This is a somewhat simple game, but I learned some cool new tricks, including using Media Players and playing videos using Blueprints. I also learned a lot about using Lerp and Timelines to move objects. I had a lot of fun creating this with some help! 

The art is nearly complete, though I have some touch-ups I want to make on the card art itself. 

2D Game Progress:

I also continued to make progress on the 2D Mobile game "Starpaws" that I've been developing. We mainly worked on the trade and inventory system, including a save system that works with the inventory. So overall we created a save system, a trade inventory system, and the widgets to manipulate the trade system as well. Here are some screenshots of the code implementation to show you what I've done:

First, here's a video where I go more in-depth over the code implementation: 

Here's a short gif of the game itself as it is now:

Here is how the Trade Inventory Menu looks currently:

Here is the blueprint to create the Items in the Trade Inventory list as shown above:

This is the Data Table which uses a Structure that is defined in C++ and then we add the information about the items in the game here: 

This is where we define the functions and variables for the Save System: 

Here's how the save system works, it's pretty simple. We can get the inventory when needed, and we can update it either using a pointer to F Inventory Data or local data. 

Here's the functionality for how we first verify the save system for the trade inventory manager, and then we create a saved game. 

Here are the Trade Inventory functions that grab the items from the data table or load them from the saved game if there is one. 

This is how we created the Struct for the Inventory Item data that is used throughout the game. This is what the Data Table is using for it's structure as well. 

This is how we set the actual data for the individual item in the item's to trade list. 

This is the function used to update the quantity of the items to sell from the Trade Item Widget. 

So far, I have learned a lot about C++ and am starting to really get a grasp of how it works. Figuring out how to utilize the Data Table with C++ was challenging, but a great learning opportunity! 

Next week I hope to continue on the Trade System and how the NPCs will purchase only items available to trade, and won't spawn if no items are yet added to sell. I also want to begin working on how farming will function, but not sure what we will want to tackle next yet. 


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