Game Gen - Week 31

 Back in Action

I was thankful to get to take a couple of trips this September for my birthday and for the Affirmation Deck project! The events went well but I've been pretty wiped out from all the traveling and excitement. That being said, I still made some progress in my Space Paws game which I'm excited to share!

Last Star Paws Progress:

Last we left off, I had just finished getting the "explore" functionality working for players to discover new resources on which they will be able to build farms. This includes a timer function that uses the resource's distance from the player's base to calculate how long the discovery will be. 

Latest Development Checkpoints:

Getting Organized: 

To get myself better organized as I tackle this complex game, I started creating a "Jira" project to map out my tasks better. This really helps me stay focused on one step at a time without getting too ahead of myself and where I'm currently at in development. 

I can brainstorm ideas and features I'd eventually like to have in the backlog, or bugs I need to fix, and choose certain tasks that are manageable to work on each day/week. 

Continuing on Farming Functionality

The resource farming then selling loop is complete in its most basic format! You can now discover a resource, build a farm, farm resources, and add them for sale which NPCs will then buy and give you gold for! 

The resources also appear only if you meet the required Base Level to discover them, otherwise, they will be hidden from the player. 

Code Clean Up

I also worked a lot on cleaning up my code and was able to even remove an entire actor that was unnecessary and move its functionality into an actor I already had. This improved the amount of communication I needed to maintain between different C++ actors and made the code more manageable. 

Next Steps:

- Bug fixing in the main gameplay loop, like crashes when interacting with the UI at the same time an NPC buys something. 
- Updates to the farming loop, requiring certain gold and resources to build or upgrade a farm. 
- Continue brainstorming on further functionality to make the game more enjoyable. 


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