
Showing posts from May, 2024

Game Gen - Week 14

 This Week's Accomplishments:  As always, here's a short video of what last week compared to this week looked like: This week was full of groundbreaking developments in our game design. Here’s a rundown of the main achievements: Introduced a New Boss Enemy: I've crafted a new Boss Enemy blueprint that will serve as the foundation for future bosses. This Boss is smarter and boasts unique mechanics, choosing its attacks based on its proximity to the player. When further away, it uses an environmental query system to move strategically. Enhanced Boss Mechanics: The new Boss features three types of attacks: a standard melee attack, a devastating fireball for ranged assault, and an energy-charged rush attack. Designing these was about making the boss not only challenging but also giving it a sense of intelligence in its tactics. Mage’s Tower Level Redesign: I've completely reimagined one of our levels to resemble the interior of a Mage’s tower, enriching the atmosphere and t

Game Gen - Week 12

Weekly Development Update: Elevating Gameplay and Visuals Here's a short video to compare the game from last week to now! Here are the main things I accomplished in the last two weeks: Revamped User Interface: I've overhauled the User Interface to enhance player communication through visuals rather than text. By creating custom graphics and animations, including iconography for in-game indicators, the gameplay feels more intuitive with the added UI features. I also designed custom materials for health and mana potion bottles that function efficiently without relying on the tick node, streamlining the performance. New Defense Mechanic – Magic Tome Force Field:   A significant addition this week was the implementation of a force field around the central "Magic Tome." Enemies now need to break through this barrier to capture the tome. Coding the force field involved complex scripting to ensure the visual effects align perfectly with enemy interactions, enhancing both th

Game Gen - Week 10

In the last few weeks overall, we have been continuing to improve the game's feel and mechanics and working on the player experience before continuing to add functionality.  Here's a video overview of the changes I've made to my game: Here are the main things I accomplished this week:  Enhanced Map Aesthetics: I've given the map a major facelift this week. Better lighting, updated textures, and adjusted scales really brought the scene to life. It feels more immersive now and easier on the eyes. User Interface Overhaul:: The User Interface got a sleek, simplified redesign. It's cleaner and more intuitive, making it easier for players to navigate through the game options and controls. I still think I'd like to improve the look of my UI, in general, to create a more cohesive theme throughout the game.  Dynamic Player Feedback:  Added new text indicators that pop up to inform the player about key game events. Now, when you take damage, heal up, or replenish mana, co