Game Gen - Week 12

Weekly Development Update: Elevating Gameplay and Visuals

Here's a short video to compare the game from last week to now!

Here are the main things I accomplished in the last two weeks:

  • Revamped User Interface:
    I've overhauled the User Interface to enhance player communication through visuals rather than text. By creating custom graphics and animations, including iconography for in-game indicators, the gameplay feels more intuitive with the added UI features. I also designed custom materials for health and mana potion bottles that function efficiently without relying on the tick node, streamlining the performance.

  • New Defense Mechanic – Magic Tome Force Field: 
    A significant addition this week was the implementation of a force field around the central "Magic Tome." Enemies now need to break through this barrier to capture the tome. Coding the force field involved complex scripting to ensure the visual effects align perfectly with enemy interactions, enhancing both the gameplay and the visuals.

  • Advanced Particle Systems with Niagara:
    I've developed several custom Niagara particle systems to visually represent magical effects:
    • A magic beam activates when an enemy seizes the tome, creating a striking visual cue to direct the player to defeat them.
    • A fire-burst effect simulates the player being engulfed in flames for the AOE Attack.
    • A unique particle cascade emits from the player to indicate a speed boost, adding a dynamic flair to movement.

  • 3D Modeling – Gem Currency System:
    I 3D modeled some Gems and created a new Gem system to function as in-game currency. These gems now spawn with a satisfying bounce from defeated enemies. They will soon allow players to upgrade abilities, swap spells, and enhance weapons, adding a layer of strategy to the game.

  • Spell Equipping System Setup:
    While still in the preliminary stages, I've set up the player blueprint to handle multiple spells using an Enumerator. This system will eventually enable players to switch spells dynamically, tailoring gameplay to various strategies and situations.

  • Area of Effect Attack – The Fireball: I introduced a devastating Area of Effect attack, the fireball. It inflicts damage to enemies upon entering its sphere and continues to harm them for 15 seconds after they leave the area, this costs more in mana and will be purchasable with Gems after a few rounds.

  • Code Optimization and Bug Fixes:
    Continuous improvements and bug fixes have been a focus, enhancing overall game performance and stability. These tweaks are crucial as they ensure a smoother, more reliable gaming experience.

These updates aim not only to enhance the visual appeal and interactivity of the game but also to introduce new layers of strategy and player engagement. I learned a lot about creating 2D graphics in Photoshop (Photopea for now) and enjoyed learning more about Niagara systems and UI animation. Stay tuned for more exciting developments in our next update!


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