Game Gen - Week 14

 This Week's Accomplishments: 

As always, here's a short video of what last week compared to this week looked like:

This week was full of groundbreaking developments in our game design. Here’s a rundown of the main achievements:

Introduced a New Boss Enemy:

I've crafted a new Boss Enemy blueprint that will serve as the foundation for future bosses. This Boss is smarter and boasts unique mechanics, choosing its attacks based on its proximity to the player. When further away, it uses an environmental query system to move strategically.

Enhanced Boss Mechanics:

The new Boss features three types of attacks: a standard melee attack, a devastating fireball for ranged assault, and an energy-charged rush attack. Designing these was about making the boss not only challenging but also giving it a sense of intelligence in its tactics.

Mage’s Tower Level Redesign:

I've completely reimagined one of our levels to resemble the interior of a Mage’s tower, enriching the atmosphere and thematic depth. This redesign will continue to evolve, adding more intricate details to enhance immersion.

Versatile Projectile System:

Developed a new projectile system that can be adapted for various uses, such as arrows, magic spells, and other thrown objects. This system enhances both player and enemy interactions, adding dynamic combat options.

UI Enhancements and Custom Graphics:

Further improvements to the user interface and new custom graphics make the gameplay experience more intuitive and visually appealing.

Ongoing Optimizations and Bug Fixes:

As always, I’m dedicated to refining the game, fixing bugs, and optimizing the code to ensure smooth gameplay.

Brainstorming a New Mobile Game:

I've started outlining a mobile game concept focused on space exploration and resource gathering. The idea is to create an engaging gameplay loop where players mine asteroids and engage in intergalactic trade. Early sketches and planning are underway, aiming to launch on iOS and Android.

This week was incredibly productive, pushing the boundaries of our current project while laying the groundwork for future endeavors. Excited to see where these new challenges will take me!

Here's some of the sketches and planning I've been doing for my next project:

This is a mind-map Miro board of the various resources available to the player and how they are used or gained. 

Here is the main gameplay loop and where each resource would be used.

These are some sketches I made of possible screens in the game, brainstorming on how the gameplay would look in the app. 

Here are some simple and rough character sketches as I brainstormed what the characters may look like. 


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